Experience, Learn, and Love Life

Friday, September 6, 2013

6 September 2013 - Palmyra, NY

Last evening as we headed for our lodging in Saratoga Springs, we were able to travel to Queensbury, NY, and visit with Kirk and Bonnie Huffaker and their family.  They have a lovely home on a secluded street with little traffic.  The home has a large, lush back yard with grass reaching up to a wooded hill behind the home.  Bonnie fixed a delicious  spaghetti dinner for us and we had a great visit with them.  We love them and we wish they were not so far away, but he has a great dental practice in Glenns Falls and they love the area.  Ronda put a picture of them on Instagram.

This morning we explored a little of Saratoga Springs, the home of the oldest thoroughbred race track in the country.  The town was founded as a resort location due to numerous mineral springs, thought to have healing properties.  The first white man to see and use them was in 1797 and the town has flourished since.  It is charming and bustling and we enjoyed it. We went for a walk in the brisk and bright morning air and found a park, situated around one of the springs.  In it was a stone engraved with an Indian prayer, given at the anniversary of the towns founding.  As half of the pictures I took today have disappeared into a black hole somewhere, I cannot show my picture, but I can give you the words, which we thought inspiring, uttered by Tom Whitecloud:

"Oh, Father, whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me. I am a man before you, one of your many children.  I am small and weak.  I need your strength and wisdom.  Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.  Make my hands respect the things you have made, my ears sharp to hear your voice.  Make me wise so that I may know the things you have taught my people, the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. I seek strength, Father, not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy, myself.  Make me ever ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eye, so that when my life fades as the fading sunset,  my spirit may come to you without shame."

We motored on to Palmyra and went right to the Hill Cumorah.  The visitor center is new since we last visited there and it is, as usual with the Church. an elegant presentation about the Book of Mormon, the Prophet and the Church. We were impressed with the interactive learning resources and were touched by the Spirit we felt there.  I think Mom sent some pictures on InstaGram.  I had some great pictures of the monument, but again, they have vanished.  Bummer!

We drove to the old Smith Family Farm and the Sacred Grove.  It was later in the day and we found ourselves alone and undisturbed in the Grove. It was a place of peace and serenity and it was easy to imagine the holy events that transpired there.

The only sounds were the soft crunching of our feet, a muted rustling of leaves and the distant calls of the birds.  I think that all of the trees that were witness to the First Vision have long since gone, but the quiet majesty of this forest location promotes a sense of worship and reverence.  I was reminded, however, that it is not the place, but the divine happening that is most important.  To know that the Father and the Son called the boy Prophet and opened this dispensation is a fact that I treasure and in which I rejoice.

The old log home in which the Angel Moroni appeared to Joseph and started him on his eventful journey still stands, a testimony to the humble circumstances of the young man's life.   Nearby stands the frame home, built by Alvin Smith, and in which the family was able to live for only 4 short years.  The area is one of happy times, farming success and also poverty and the commencement of persecution, that would hound Joseph and Hyrum until their martyrdom.

Financial reverses caused the Smiths to lose ownership of this home and the farm and be reduced to renters.  They were forced to return to live in the cramped log home, the parents and eight children, until 1830.

As we concluded our visit to this site of so many important events, we visited the site of the publication of the Book of Mormon, the Grandin Print Shop and the newly erected Palmyra Temple.  We have been touched and uplifted by this visit and a reminder of all the blessings that have come to the Saints over the years.

This has been a lovely day and reaffirmed our testimonies of the truth of the Restoration of the Gospel and the strength of our belief.  We plan to go further on our trek to Gospel sites tomorrow.

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