Experience, Learn, and Love Life

Monday, September 9, 2013

9 September 2013 - Freeway, IL, IN, OH

We have now begun the return home in earnest.  A short walk, breakfast and then we hit the road, headed west.  A block from our hotel, we drove down the on-ramp and accelerated onto the freeway.  For the rest of the day it was dodging slow trucks, setting the cruise control, watching out for minions of the law and pointing the Yukon the direction we wanted.

The day started out overcast, gray and cool, but it did not stay that way.  After a few miles, rain began to spatter the windshield and watered us in fits and starts through the rest of Ohio and into Illinois. For Ronda, it was rather boring and she elected to lean back and nap a good part of the way.  For me, I loved the open road, the passing scenery of fertile, well-kept fields of corn and soy beans, lovely farms, large and small and even a blimp floating on the horizon.  About halfway through the drive, the blue sky appeared and the temperature began to rise.  The air was clear and you could see for miles, until we approached the south end of Chicago.  Then the view shortened from either smog or substantial moisture in the air.  Each time we stopped and got out of the car, the day was hotter and hotter. Tonight we are staying in Ottawa, IL, in a place just off the freeway with a view of fields and farms.

The corn is ripening and nearly ready for harvest. Already the roadside stands advertise fresh sweet corn for sale and I have seen a large truck, filled to the brim with ears of corn.  Soybean plants are starting to yellow in the sun and will also soon be ready to be gathered by the machines to make oil, edemami and other products.  Last night for supper, I had a salad with fresh soy beans in it and loved them.

Our plan tomorrow is to proceed west and south to Nauvoo.  It will be the last major Church site stop for this trip and then it will be to just make it home.  I think Mom has had enough driving for this trip and is ready to park for a while. I, on the other hand, am stopping because I have to be at work again in a week.  I could easily keep going and I am loving the journey.  I am sure we will see more corn tomorrow.  It is lovely at this time of year and I find traveling through the vast stretches of this rich and varied country a treat and a reaffirmation of my love for this land, our freedoms and a loving God.

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